sábado, 30 de mayo de 2020



*¿De qué forma la situación actual, ha impactado positiva o negativamente a la humanidad, en sus aspectos políticos, económicos, sociales, culturales, ecológicos, ambientales, tecnológicos y demás?

R// Esta situación no es un misterio que esta causando impactos negativos como son los políticos ya que entre países se culpan de quien fue la culpa y para que era el propósito del coronavirus, en los aspectos económicos es donde mas se a visto afectado ya que la gente no puede trabajar ni comprar cosas un poco menos esenciales como son la comida, medicamentos, etc... Y esto a causado muchos problemas a niveles económicos. También tanto sociales y culturales se han visto afectados ya que lo social la gente no a podido comunicarse con otras personas personalmente y en lo cultural es que como no podemos salir entonces no se pueden ir a los centros religiosos y todo es por internet pero pasa lo mismo que con lo social que no es lo mismo por internet que en persona. Pero no todo es malo ya que desde que comenzó la cuarentena como la gente no a podido ni ir a trabajar ni salir tan seguido entonces las emisiones de gases han sido pocas en los últimos meses pero en cuestión de tecnologías a seguido su paso común y corriente.

* En esta historieta se utilizo la rama de poder ejecutivo y judicial ya que en la historieta podemos ver a un hombre el cual les esta diciendo a las personas porque se alarga la cuarentena y también judicial ya que les esta diciendo que cumplan las reglas para poder cancelar la cuarentena

* En conclusión de la historieta, hay que obedecer a las normas que nos propone el gobierno para así tener un buen futuro ya que si el gobierno pone unas normas son por algo, igual si tu ves a alguien hacer algo indebido recomiendale que seria lo mejor para así poder salir de esta situación lo antes posible

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

San Andres

San Andrés Island (also known as San Andrés Isla) is a Colombian island in the Caribbean Sea, located off the coast of Nicaragua. It is the largest of the islands that form part of the Archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, with a total extension of 26 km².2

GUÍA DE VIAJE A SAN ANDRÉS | Colreservas Viajes

Today I come to tell you about my experience with San Andrés so that they can take it from my point of view and then they will give their opinions. In the summer of 2017, my father and sister went to San Andrés and, just as we were about to take the plane to Bogotá, my sister asked me: "That one on our plane, doesn't it?" To which I responded very excited that yes, when we got on the plane and already being drugged I asked my dad "we are very drugged, doen't we?" And he told me that if a few minutes later we arrived in Bogota where we had to wait a few hours to get on the plane that would take us to San Andres. After waiting a few hours, our time had come to get on the plane, nothing much happened on the plane. After other hours on the plane we finally arrived in San Andres. I remember that as soon as we arrived, my sister said "it smells like the sea, doesn't it?"

San Andrés, un paraíso en medio de un mar de incertidumbre ...

After a fairly short tour we arrived at the hotel, the bad thing was that we had to wait a long time to get our room, that same day we went to the sea to talk a bit and then we returned to the hotel. Which was very nice. Do the activities that are common on this island, like going to Yoniky, going to the blow hole, touring the island and many other things.

San Andrés es respuesta en Turismo | Marca País Colombia

The day came very quickly, the day we had to return, we were already going to the airport when I asked "someday we will return, right? Already on the plane seeing pure sea I got hungry and my dad asked for a sandwich and I am one of the People who watch a lot of YouTube and there are say that if you eat on a plane it would taste a little ugly but it tasted like glory to me. After hours we arrived in Bogota where my dad said "you want to eat Frisby, right?" and we Obviously we said yes, after eating and waiting a couple of hours for the abion, he finally arrived and after a few long minutes we arrived in Cali and I, all sad, said "we are going home, right?" and what they said was yes and we went home sad but with a very nice memory

Nicolas Arbelaez
